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News & Reviews

Your feedback is worth more than a drawer full of medals!

We do not enter our spirit in many competitions.

Competitions are expensive and in our case by the time the results come out, we have sold the whisky we entered, so what is the point? That said, we did enter Gold Batch 003 in the World Whisky Awards and won gold with it. That was a satisfying moment and justified our bottling of that batch as a two year old. Far more useful, and fun, is the feedback we get from Den Members and the drinking public when we attend whisky shows. None more so than when Charlie Maclean and Dave Broom sought us out at Whisky & Dreams in Melbourne this year to congratulate us on what Charlie described as one of the most extrordinary drams he had ever tasted. Whilst we took great pleasure from this praise, the highlight of the year was when a regular at the Oak Barrel Whiksy Fair came up and told us that in his opinion, Iniquity was always up there with the best of the Australian whiskies on show, but more importantly we had never bottled a dud. Feedback like that is worth more to us than a drawer full of medals and awards.

Charlie Maclean with Ian at Whisky and Dreams in Melbourne

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